The documents required when applying for a Romanian Citizenship
A person requesting to re-acquire his Romanian citizenship has to provide the following documents:
- An original passport as well as a certified copy.
- A certified copy of the spouse’s Identity card (For those marrying a Romanian citizen).
- A character reference from the Romanian police (Valid for 3 month from the date of issuing).
- A character reference from the country the applicant resides in at the time of the application – Valid in Romania for one year from its date of issuing. A notary translation to Romanian as well as a copy of the original document has to be included.
- Personal status documents – birth certificate, marriage certificate etc. Certified copies of documents relating the applicant to a parent or grandparent who was a Romanian citizen. Documents that were not issued in Romania have to be translated by a notary.
- Affidavit stating the date on which the Romanian citizenship was revoked. This document can be obtained by making a request to the authorities.
- A declaration from the applicant regarding additional citizenship renewal applications that he recently filed (Is there were any).
- A declaration from the applicant that he has never been involved and does not support any activities or acts undermining the Romanian law or national security.
- A personal and signed declaration from the applicant stating whether he intends to remain in his current place of residence, or to settle in Romania.
- Personal status documents – A certified copy regarding underage children is also required. Children over the age of 14 are required to provide a written document indicating their acceptance for the process.
Personal details are also required and have to be filled in the application.